Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Fake postcard.

 What did you learn I have learned how to remove a background. and we also learned about staying safe online by not taking candy from strangers.
 What did you enjoy I enjoyed making the postcard. 
 What was challenging the challenging bit was finding a stamp to go on the post cards. 
 What was easy the easy part was to find a background and to write the words on the postcard. 
 What will you do next time next time I will use some more words.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The a&p show.

 We were learning about adjectives to describe our nouns and we were also learning about recounts.
 I found it easy to write about the a and p show.
 I found it challenging to spell some words and to get my piece of writing on to my blog. 
 Next time I will write some more about the a and p show.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

New Zealand native birds.


 We were learning about birds and habitats and how to get birds in our school grounds.
 I found it easy to make the fence, the sun and the sunflower. 
 I found it challenging to polyline because it was my first time using polyline. 
 Next time I will make some more birds, sunflowers and some more sunflower seeds.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Seeing my buddy

  We were learning about what buddies. 

I found it easy to help my buddy. 

I found it challenging to help my buddy with how to make a paper fish. 

 Next time I will help my buddy a bit more.

New zealand birds.

 We were learning about what is a bird, a native bird, endemic birds and introduced birds. 
 I found it easy to write about the birds. 
 I found it challenging to do the polyline and find out some of the native birds. 
 Next time I will learn a bit more about the native birds, the endemic birds and introduced birds.