Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The flower poem.

We were learning about how to do a poem and use adjectives,verbs and adverbs
I found it easy to figure out what I was going to do for my poem.
I found it challenging to but my poem on to my blog.

Next time I will write some more because I only used 6 sentences.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Scratch commenting.

This is my scratch and this is my first time making scratch and I have a person named abby and to puppies and their names are Dell and Bell and the dogs can say ruf ruf and can say hello every 5 seconds and the dogs can also move forward and backward 1 layers.The person can change colour and say hello every 5 seconds to and also my person can do pop noises.

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Wild Lab Trip.

 We were learning about adjectives,verb and adverbs.
I found it easy to but the background on because you just have to chose the background that you would like.
I found it challenging to but the piece of writing on my blog.
Next time I will write some more for my last paragraph.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Reading Challenge

  Were learning about what is a Digital Reading Challenge.

I found it easy to write the the stuff in the eyes on texts.

I found it challenging to put the Digital Reading challenge on the blog.

Next time I will write some more in the eyes of texts in one minute.